Thursday, April 21, 2016

Network Analysis


The objective of this exercise was to create an estimate of the cost each county in Wisconsin has to pay in order to transport frac sand from the mine to the nearest railroad terminal. Network analysis helped in determining which rail terminals were closest to each mine. This is one of the many practical ways network analysis can be utilized. 

Specifically, network analysis was run on the mines that were active, did not have loading stations on site, and that were at least 1.5 kilometers away from a rail station because then it was assumed the mine would directly load the sand onto the rails for transport. A python script was created to query the mines to produce a final feature class with all of the qualifying mines. 



The following python script shows the process of selecting mines based on certain criteria: 
  • The mine must be active
  • The mine cannot have its own loading station
  • The mine has to be at least 1.5 kilometers away from a railroad terminal

Starting the script it was necessary to define the variables for the feature classes. For example, the variable set for the active_mines feature class was "act". Setting the variables ahead of time organizes the inputs and outputs while simplifying the script. 

The next step in python was to add field delimiters which provide the correct field information when creating an SQL statement. Field delimiters tell the program what field to search in. In this case "field1" dictated that when "field1" is coded in the script the field "SITE_STATU" in the attribute table is where the information will be found. 

Then, SQL statements were built to select active mines and only mines that did not have on-site loading stations. 

The SelectLayerByLocation tool was used to query out the mines that were within a distance of 1.5 kilometers of a rail station. 

Finally, the CopyFeatures tool was scripted to make a feature class for the mines that met all the criteria above. 

Figure 1. Python script used to select mines for network analysis. 

After the python script was successfully completed network analysis could be performed to find the quickest routes from the mines to the rail terminals. 

The network analyst toolbar was added to ArcMap. A streets network was added to the map along with the mines feature class (created from the python script) and the selected Wisconsin rail terminals feature class. In the network analyst toolbar, "New Closest Facility" was chosen to create the trucking routes. The mines were loaded into the analyst as incidents while the rail terminals were loaded as facilities. 

Solving the network produced overlapping routes, which is what is desired, compared to all of the routes combining when they reach a common point. This ensures that each route will have its own attributes and have a unique distance for each mine to the terminal. 

Model Builder

Model builder was used to find the distances (in miles) of each route and also to find the estimated cost each county to transport the frac sand. 

In model builder first the "Make Closest Facility Layer" tool was added with input of the streets feature class. The "Add Locations" tool was selected twice to make the mines the incidents layer and the rail terminals as the facilities. Then, the "Solve" tool ran to create the routes. Reference FIGURE to review the process. This produced the same result as above when the routes were solved for from the network analyst toolbar.  

Figure 2. Model builder displaying the creation of routes from the mines to the closest rail terminal.

With the routes created it was necessary to add the routes to the database using the "Select Data" and "Copy Features" tools to produce a routes feature class. In order to determine the distance traveled and cost for each county, the "Intersect" tool was used to combine these features, however, first the routes and counties feature class were projected with UTM Zone 15N.

Figure 3. Model builder showing the projection and the intersection of the routes and counties feature classes.

Since the counties and routes were intersected it was possible to predict the distance traveled in each county and also the estimated cost to transport the sand. The "Summary Statistics", "Add Field", and Calculate Field" tools were used to create a table that included the distance traveled in miles and the cost for each county (Figure 4).  The distance traveled for each county was estimated with the "Calculate Field" tool and assigning the following equation [Shape_Length] * 100 (50 truck loads/year * 2 to account for the round trip) * 0.000621371 (miles in a meter). To estimate the costs for each county the equation was multiplied by 0.022, assuming it is roughly 2.2 cents for each truck per mile to transport the sand. 

Figure 4. Model builder displaying the use of various tools to create a table showing the cost and distance of the sand in each county. 

Figure 5 shows the final data flow model used from solving the network analysis to estimating the distance and cost of transporting sand for each county.
Figure 5. Final data flow model.

Figure 6. Map displaying the routes from the mines to the rail terminals in Wisconsin.

Table 1. Results from the data flow model in adding fields to determine the total distance travel in miles and the cost estimate per county in dollars.

It is evident in Figure 7 that Chippewa, Eau Claire, and Barron counties have the highest estimate cost for transporting the sand. This could be attributed to the fact that in these counties the routes extend throughout most of the county. With more distance to be traveled in these counties the higher the cost would be to transport the material. Also, in Chippewa County and Eau Claire County multiple mine connect to a central rail terminal within the county (Figure 6), so there would be a lot of traffic associated to these routes as well. In the counties that experience little cost could be due to the fact that a mine or rail terminal lies right inside the county border, so the distance would be minimal for that county, as the case for Douglas County for example. 

Figure 7. Graph representing the estimated cost associated in each county for the transport of frac sand. 


To conclude using network analysis is a very powerful tool in answering many applied questions such as estimating the cost per county to transport a material. The ability to understand and successfully manage the data in network analysis and the data flow model to create the final output is crucial in determining accurate conclusions. This exercise challenged way the small details would affect the whole project, but helped me realize the applications network analysis can have.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Geocoding: Sand Mine Locations in Wisconsin


The objective of this exercise was to be able to correctly identify roughly sixteen sand mines across the state of Wisconsin by geocoding. The data from this exercise originated from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and were not in the correct format for geocoding initially. This lab served the purpose of introducing us to "imperfect data" and the errors that can occur if it is not properly formatted.

Geocoding: The process of assigning a physical location to an object, or correcting a previously set address. This is beneficial in analyzing data and specifically networking from one place to another.


As stated above the data provided to us from the Wisconsin DNR was not formatted in a way to be able to readily geocode the locations of the sandmines. The table contained one field for the address of a mine which cannot be read by the geocoding program. So, it was necessary to split the address into varying fields to separate street, city, state, county, etc. In addition to combining the whole address into one single field, the WDNR sometimes only provided the Public Land Survey description of the property. In that case a separate field was required to account for the description.

In the table I normalized I separated the orginal address field into ADDRESS_STREET, ADDRESS_CITY,  ADDRESS_STATE, ADDRESS_ZIP, and PLSS. This way the parts of the address were individual and could then be used to find that specific location on the map. In Table 1 you can see the result of my normalized table.

Table 1. Normalized table used to geocode the addresses of sand mines in Wisconsin. 
Once the table was normalized it could be added to ArcMap. The geocoding toolbar was turned on, and connected to ___________________. The interface automatically tried to match the addresses from the table to a location on the map.

Merge tool
I found the four other students that were assigned the same mines and used their shapefiles
-An error occured in merging because the zip code field different in one of the students tables, so I deleted that field because it was not needed. The field type was double and the student changed it to text.

I projected the selected mines and my mines to State Plane System- Wisconsin Central: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Wisconsin_Central_FIPS_4802

Select by attributes
To ensure the distance between my geocoded mines was matched with the same mine ID as the mines geocoded from my classmates, I created a new feature class for each of the sixteen mines my classmates geocoded. So, there were sixteen diferent feature classes, each representing one unique mine ID. Some feature classes only contained one mine, while others contained three or four depending on how the students geocoded or if they actually did the assignement.

As for comparing the distances between my mines and the actual location of the mine, I again created a separate feature class for each unique mine ID for the actual mine locations.

Near tool
To succesfully get the distance to the closest mine the near tool was used. Some mines were way off their actual location and closer to a different mine, that is why the sixteen feature classes were created to identify the closest mine to each specific mine ID. When the near tool is run the distance will appear in the attribute table. But, since the each mine was run separately with this tool, only that specific mine ID distance will be correct. The tables (Table 2 and 3). below show the distances produced from running the near tool. The input features were my selected mines and the near features was the projected student mines or actual locations.

Table 3. Table showing the distance
from my geocodedmines to the actual 
locations of the mines. Unit in meters. 
Table 2. Table showing the distance from
my geocoded mines to theclosest 
geocoded mine of my classmates. 
Unit in meters. 

Figure 1. Map comparing the mines I  geocoded to the mines geocoded by classmates, and the actual location of the mines.  
From the map it appears my geocoded mines were not too far off from the actual location of the mines, however, the closest one of my mines was to the actual location is 260 meters. In fact, three mines 237, 238, and 235 were geocoded in the same location northeast of their actual locations. The geocoding toolbor automatically assigned the mines to this location, and I made the mistake of not correcting those locations. Also, I confused mine 269 for mine 270 and vice versa. I noticed this while running the near tool when the table produced a closer distance for another mine than the one I was searching for. This could be attributed to not reading the address correctly and that there were two mines close by!

In reviewing  locations where my mines were far from the actual location I noticed that some of the mines were classified as inactive, which could be a reason to why the locactions did not match. The mines that did not appear on the basemap or google earth were the hardest to identify because there was no way of telling where the mines driveway was. 


This exercise clearly demonstrated the importance of normalizing data and being aware of the errors possible throughout the whole geocoding process. According to Lo ___________, there are three types of error: Gross, Systematic, and Random. During this exercise many errors affected the how the mines were geocoded. 

Gross error: the user makes a mistake in managing the data. A great example of this was stated above for mines 235, 237, and 238 that were all geocoded in the same location. That was an oversight by me to not go in and manually change where the mine was. 

Systematic error: errors attributed to bias in measurements of the user and faulty equipment to name a few. In this exercise an example of systematic error was my personal mine locations differed (in some cases a lot) from the mines of my classmates. We each had our own bias as to we thought the coordinate of the mine should be located. Therefore, we had varying data. 

Random error: errors due to the limitation of the equipment taking the measurements for data collection. 

Specifically the some errors in this exercise could have been easily avoided. First, if all of the students were given a normalized addresses in the attribute table that would avoid any mistakes from trying to transform the table to work with the data. Second, more guidelines as to where the coordinate should be placed in relation to the mine would help in eliminating some human bias. In conclusion, this exercise demonstrated the purpose of preparing data ahead of time, especially when the data will be distributed to a team to work on.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Data Gathering

Goals and Objectives: 

Locating and downloading data from online needs to be carefully recorded and organized. The purpose of this lab was to become familiar with the process of downloading data from websites online and to create a py script to run different tools to display data for Trempealeau County, Wisconsin. 

The final product of the lab was to display Sand Mining Suitability from the data we collected from the various web sources. Specifically, Elevation, Soil Survey, and Cropland data were used as criteria for this assessment. 

Figure 1. A Sand Mining Suitablity Map for Trempealeau County, Wisconsin created using data from the USGS and USDA
The map was created using ArcMap.   
In the first part of the lab data was collected from USGS (United States Geological Survey), USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), and the MRLC (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium). 

(1/3-arc second DEM Elevation dataset for Trempealeau County) 
(National Land Cover Database 2011) 
Elevation and Land Cover data were collected from the USGS website using the National Map Viewer 
From the National Map Viewer go to the National Map Viewer and Download Platform and then the TNM Download Client Link. After that it is necessary to zoom into the state of Wisconsin and find Trempealeau County. Data for Trempealeau County was selected by tracing a box around the entire county. Then, on the left side of screen the National Land Cover Data 2011 and Elevation Products (1/3-arc second DEM) were selected to download into a temporary folder. Both datasets were unzipped into a personal student folder for further use and named appropriately.  

Cropland and Soil data were obtained through the USDA. 
The cropland data was requested entering in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin and selecting "Cropland Data Layer by State".  A personal e-mail containing the desired cropland data was sent from the USDA website and the data could be downloaded from there into the temporary folder. Again, the data was unzipped into a personal student folder. 
The soil dataset was gathered from 
From the panel on the left hand side of the screen under "Soil Survey Area" Trempealeau County, Wisconsin was chosen. The data was downloaded again to the temporary folder and unzipped into the personal student folder.

Trempealeau County Land Records Department

The Trempealeau County file geodatabase containing many relevant feature classes was also downloaded for this lab. The data was collected from:

Data Accuracy 

Effective Resolution
Min. Mapping Unit
Planimetric Coordinate Accuracy
Temporal Accuracy

Attribute Accuracy
USDA Soil Survey Data
Couldn’t find

USDA Cropland
30 meter

Department of Agriculture, (NASS), Research and Development Division, Geospatial Information Branch, (SARS), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), North American Datum of 1983 or World Geodetic System 1984, Albers Conical Equal Area projection

Not found
USGS Land Cover Data
30 meter


U.S. Geological Survey, purpose: to provide the nation with current land cover data, North American Datum of 1983 and Albers Conical Equal Area projection
Updated every 5 years
Has not been conducted: Unknown
USGS Elevation Data
10 meter

not found
U.S. Geological Survey, purpose: to produce foundational elevation data for earth science studies, North American Datum of 1983
Updated as new data is available
Trempealeau County Geodatabase

Trempealeau County Land Records Department,2007
Updated as needed


From reviewing the table it is obvious analysis of the metadata is crucial to understanding the data. The lack of information is concerning because this information helps in determining how the data can be used and manipulated without causing data integrity issues, For example, the scale, minimum mapping unit, resolution, and coordinate accuracy are important because in situations like this lab, where you may want to compare different rasters or even layer them on top of each other, the parameters can give an appropriate value to set the scale etc, The scale should be set to the smallest scale in order to accommodate the accuracy of all the features of the raster with the smallest scale.

Lineage is extremely important to keep track of for the purpose of knowing where the data came from and how it was collected. If there are any questions regarding the data, the source can be directly contacted and the discrepancy can be sorted out correctly, Also, it is necessary to cite the source in which your data originated, so it is crucial to know the source and cite it correctly.

From the table it is concerning that attribute accuracy is not an easy parameter to track down, because this sheds light on how well the attributes are representing the real world. Naturally, it is ideal to have the attributes matching the real world exactly, but depending on certain things this is not always the case, so that is why it is necessary to review the attribute accuracy.

Python Script

Exercise Seven: Network Analysis- Selecting Wisconsin Mines with certain parameters

The following python script shows the process of selecting mines based on these criteria: 
  • The mine must be active
  • The mine cannot have its own loading station
  • The mine has to be at least 1.5 kilometers away from a railroad terminal

Starting the script it was necessary to define the variables for the feature classes. For example, the variable set for the active_mines feature class was "act". Setting the variables ahead of time organizes the inputs and outputs while simplifying the script. 

The next step in python was to add field delimiters which provide the correct field information when creating an SQL statement. Field delimiters tell the program what field to search in. In this case "field1" dictated that when "field1" is coded in the script the field "SITE_STATU" in the attribute table is where the information will be found. 

Then, SQL statements were built to select active mines and only mines that did not have on-site loading stations. 

The SelectLayerByLocation tool was used to query out the mines that were within a distance of 1.5 kilometers of a rail station. 

Finally, the CopyFeatures tool was scripted to make a feature class for the mines that met all the criteria above. 

Exercise Five: Working with Projections in Python

Friday, February 26, 2016

Introduction to Sand Frac Mining in Western Wisconsin

Sand frac Mining in Western Wisconsin

Sand frac mining has become a popular topic in Wisconsin. Although the southern and eastern parts of the  state are so far untouched by the mines, mines in the northern and western regions of Wisconsin have bloomed greatly in the past few years. The demand for drilling the sand has increased as frac sand is a desirable method in extracting natural gas around the country.

What is sand frac mining? 
Sand frac mining or sand fracturing is the process of removing sand from underground to extract quartz. The quartz if the quartz is of high enough quality and the correct size it will exported to other regions of the United States for natural gas extraction. Current mining operations are primarily located in West Central Wisconsin but there are also facilities in Burnett, Green Lake and Waupaca Counties (WDNR). Regions of Wisconsin and Minnesota pose the easiest access to the specified sand because of the geologic history (Hart, Adams, & Schwartz: 2013).

Figure 1. Frac Sand in Wisconsin. Map provided from
UW-Extension Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey

What are some issues regarding sand frac-mining? 
Sand frac mining has multiple environmental aspects that are necessary to address before the process even begins. These environmental concerns are part of the reason sand frac mining is such a buzz topic in the Wisconsin backyard. For example, sand frac mining can affect the air quality, water quality, and habitat for many species.

GIS technology and applications used to explore sand-frac mining
The application of GIS technology can greatly help in the planning, implementation, maintenance, and aftermath of a sand frac mine. First of all, there are certain locations where the sand is good enough to extract, GIS would allow the analysis of nearby geology and give insight to where the best place to build a mine would be. GIS technology would provide  detailed maps to exactly where the extend of mine would be and this is important because the of ownership of the land. When we take into account the environmental concerns due to frac mining GIS can help create buffers to protect the water table and surrounding habitats.

Hart, M. V, Adams T. & Schwartz A. 2013. Transportation Impacts of Frac Sand Mining in the MAFC Region: Chippewa County Case Study. University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). 2012. Silica Sand Mining in Wisconsin.